Our Team
Who is CFNIL?
The Community Foundation of Northern Illinois is a public charity led by a team of professional staff, with strategic, financial, and operational oversight from a volunteer Board of Trustees.
Experienced, professional, and committed to philanthropic service.
As the regional leader of philanthropy, the Community Foundation serves as a promoter and advisor on charitable giving, a resource to the nonprofit sector, and an excellent steward of the community’s resources. Together, the staff of the Community Foundation of Northern Illinois brings more than 75 years of experience in the community foundation field.

Program and Development Associate and In Youth We Trust Liaison
Phone: 779-210-8202
Email: Kate Black

Vice President of Programs and Community Investment
Phone: 779-210-8207
Email: Sarah Lambert

Territory Management & Entertainment Associate
Leading our Community, leading our Community Foundation
The members of the CFNIL Board of Trustees represent communities across the foundation's service area, numerous professional backgrounds, and have a variety of community engagement and volunteer experience. Every trustee volunteered as a CFNIL scholarship or grant advisor before becoming a member of the Board of Trustees.

Schmeling Construction Co.

Winnebago County CASA

DBS Accounting

PCI Pharma Services

Field Fastener

SPX Flow Inc.

Retired - MPEC

Larson & Darby Group

CoyleKiley Insurance Agency

Active Minds

Friends of the Coronado / Rockford Coronado Concert Association

Retired – Mercyhealth

Retired - Rockford Health Council


Retired - Doctor of Podiatry

Northwestern Mutual

Trustee Emeritus
CFNIL is not hiring at this time.
Please follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn, and sign up for our e-newsletter to receive the latest information on future job openings.
We encourage you to visit other local job boards to look for other job opportunities in northern Illinois:
Northern Illinois Center for Nonprofit Excellence (NICNE) Job Board
Rockford Chamber of Commerce Job Bank
The Workforce Connection Job Board
The Community Foundation of Northern Illinois is an equal-opportunity employer.