CFNIL Fund Advisors

At the Community Foundation of Northern Illinois, the term "Fund Advisors" refers to people who receive communication about and, in some cases, make recommendations on behalf of an established endowment. Fund Advisors receive quarterly fund communication, including:

  • Fund statements
    - A letter from the Foundation president with updates about CFNIL activities and operations
    - A Stewardship Summary which includes up-to-date information about CFNIL's investment performance

Historically, Fund Advisors have received this information in paper format via the mail. CFNIL has now launched an online Fund Advisor Portal, which allows Fund Advisors to view and interact with their fund information digitally!

Current Fund Advisors with access to the Portal may use the button below to sign in to their account. If you have not yet received a username and password and are a documented advisor for one or more charitable funds held at CFNIL, please contact Ciara Stahly, Assistant Development Director, for assistance: or 779-210-8203

Login to the Fund Advisor Portal

Curious about what you'll find on the Fund Advisor Portal? Need help learning to navigate the portal? Use the button below to view a Fund Advisor Portal Guide!

Fund Advisor Portal Guide

Locked Out of your Donor Portal?
If you are locked out of your account, click Forgot Password on the login page. Enter your username (the email address at which you've received fund communication from CFNIL) and click the Reset Password button. If an account with the provided username is found, instructions to reset your password will be sent to the email address for that account. If you’re still having trouble, please contact us at or 779-210-8203

Alerts and Paper Statements: Opting In or Out
Each quarter, you will receive an email alert when a new statement is posted and ready to view in the portal. You also have the option to receive an email alert every time a Donation is made or a Grant is paid out from your Fund. These alerts can be utilized or canceled at any point but are not retroactive, so you will not be notified of past grants or donations. By default, Fund Advisors will continue to receive paper statements by mail unless you notify CFNIL of your desire to stop receiving paper statements. To opt in or out of Alerts or paper statements, please contact Ciara at 779-210-8203 or

Prefer to use a Paper Grant Recommendation Form?

Grant Recommendation Form PDF

Updating Contact or Other Information
If you need to update the email address associated with your account or any other contact information, please contact Ciara at 779-210-8203 or

Questions? Need more information? Contact Ciara!

Ciara Stahly - Headshot
Ciara Stahly
Assistant Director of Development
Phone: 779-210-8203
Email: Ciara Stahly