Picture of Colleen Maher receiving a scholarship in 2022

Colleen Maher Inspirational Scholarship

Supporting students with intellectual disabilities through opportunities to attend college, develop their skill sets, learn to live independently, and pursue their dreams.

Spring Scholarship - Open Open This scholarship is part of the Spring application cycle. The application is open March 1st to April 1st every year. How to Apply

Eligibility Criteria

Applicants must:

- Be between the ages of 18 - 25 as of the application deadline.
- Be a current student or a graduate of Rockford Public Schools.
- Intend to enroll in a post-secondary program that will enhance his or her life through employment in the upcoming academic year.
- Have an intellectual disability. 


For the purposes of this scholarship, intellectual disability is defined as having certain limitations in cognitive functioning and other skills, including communication and self-care. The intellectual disability may be caused by brain injury or problems, disease, or genetics. Examples include but are not limited to Down Syndrome, PKU, Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, Fragile X Syndrome, and birth defects. 

Written Prompt

Each CFNIL scholarship is created with a specific purpose in mind. As you complete the application, the system automatically matches you with every scholarship for which you are eligible and will present you with a specific written prompt for each. You're encouraged to craft a unique response to each prompt to show the reviewers why you're the best candidate for that scholarship.

Scholarship Background and Intent

WTVO / Fox 29 aired a story about Colleen on April 18, 2024!

Colleen Maher inspired her parents and educators to provide her with the support she needed to pursue her dreams.  Born with Down syndrome, her disability at birth was a surprise to all, but Trisomy 21 didn’t stop her or her family from pushing Colleen to excel within an inclusive education, earning a high school diploma, going to college and striving to get a rewarding job and live independently. 

Colleen’s educational career took her through Rockford Public School’s Fairview Early Childhood Center,  Carlson Elementary, West Middle School’s CAPA program and Guilford High School where she graduated with a 3.75 GPA in the top 15% of her class.

With the help of a tutor, Colleen studied and took her paraprofessional exam, passing and earning her license. She attended Judson University’s RISE program with a partial scholarship, believing she should go to college just like her friends and siblings. She completed a summer internship with RPS 205 and is currently applying for a job with the district.

Colleen’s family is grateful to RPS 205 for its strong support and believes others with intellectual disabilities should be given an opportunity to attend college, develop their skill sets, learn to live independently, and pursue their dreams.


Colleen Maher