RSVP for 2023 Grantseekers Meetings
The Community Foundation of Northern Illinois' Community Grants Program application will open June 20th, 2023. Nonprofits serving the people and places of Boone, Ogle, Stephenson, and Winnebago Counties are invited to apply for CFNIL's largest and broadest grantmaking program.
CFNIL staff will host two Grantseekers Meetings to provide information and updates about this year's Community Grants cycle. Each session will include identical content and provide time for questions and answers.
Session 1: IN PERSON at Nicholas Conservatory (1354 N Second Street, Rockford), Thursday, June 22nd, 3:30 PM
- Session 2: VIRTUAL via Zoom, Friday, June 23rd, 9:00 AM
Please Note: there will be significant structural changes to this year's application. Applicants are highly recommended to attend to learn and ask questions about these changes, whether or not they attended last year.