Rockford Barbell Improves Youth Well-being with Weightlifting
Field trips to visit grantees don't usually involve working up a sweat, but this week we visited first-time CFNIL Community Grant recipients Rockford Barbell to check out their Youth Weightlifting program. This afterschool training and mentorship initiative seeks to improve the social and emotional well-being of school age kids through physical activity and strength training. We think you'd agree that these kids are doing some awesome work! Thanks to WIFR for covering the news this week: https://www.wifr.com/2022/01/28/after-school-weightlifting-program-helps-students-cope-with-mental-physical-strength/
The $13,000 grant to Rockford Barbell for their Youth Weightlifting program was part of the recently awarded 2021 - 2022 CFNIL Community Grants, and supported in part by the Dr. Louis & Violet Rubin Fund. Play the video below to see the program in action!
Rockford Barbell highlight video by CFNIL