Remembering Paula Capriola
CFNIL lost one of its most enthusiastic volunteers last month when Paula Capriola, a member of Women of Today’s Manufacturing’s (WOTM) scholarship committee and part of the team that started the Howard D. Colman Scholarship program, passed away. Paula’s passion was to help others better themselves through building their careers, and she was a vocal supporter of CFNIL’s scholarships as a way to support our community’s students.
Paula has been involved with CFNIL as a scholarship advisor since 2012. As a professional recruiter in manufacturing, she used her experience to help design the Howard D. Colman Scholarship program, which includes internship placement for up to ten students every year. She helped dozens of local students develop connections with companies in northern Illinois and gain valuable industry experience through high-quality internships.
Paula’s thoughtfulness, passion for manufacturing, and good cheer will be dearly missed.