Nine Organizations awarded $17,062 in Neighborhood Grants
The Community Foundation of Northern Illinois (CFNIL) and NW HomeStart are proud to announce the recipients of the 2022 Neighborhood Grants Program. The grants, totaling $17,062, will be awarded to 9 groups and organizations (listed below) working to improve the quality of life in their neighborhoods.
CFNIL has operated a neighborhood grants program since 1995, distributing more than $650,000 to build better neighborhoods in Rockford. The program has been administered in collaboration with NW HomeStart since 2017, expanding the capacity to promote the grant program and support neighbors and neighborhoods in their efforts Recipients of the Neighborhood Grants Program are non-profits or neighborhood-based organizations operating in Boone, Ogle, Stephenson or Winnebago County. The maximum award from the is $2,500.
After a two-year hiatus, NW HomeStart and CFNIL will again host a grants reception to recognize recipients and celebrate the good work happening in communities across the region. Media and community members are invited to attend the reception at 5:30 pm on Thursday, May 26, at HomeStart’s Rockford office: 803 N. Church Street, Rockford, 61103.
AF & AM Crusade: $2,500 for “Keep it Clean in Ward 13: We Rock!”
Precincts 2-5 of the 13th Ward will hold a neighborhood cleanup and volunteers and neighbors will extend the Stroll on State holiday décor and festivities to West State Street, bringing back pride and removing stigma for neighbors and families of the Ellis and Lewis Lemon schools, while also helping spread love and cheer this Christmas and into the new year 2023.
Comprehensive Community Solutions, Inc.: $2,500 for "ALPHA Garden”
CCS will double their garden bed space, plant fruit trees and bushes, and increase community engagement with families in the neighborhood. The garden will be used to educate, feed, and enhance relationships with nearby families.
Coronado Haskell Neighborhood Association: $2,500 for "Coronado Haskell Peace Space”
Landscaping will be added to this new park which was established in 2021 in the heart of Coronado Haskell neighborhood. This will create a more welcoming space and help beautify the neighborhood.
First Covenant Church: $2,500 for "Summer Park 2022”
First Covenant will hire and train young people to staff Summer Park 2022, a need-based park ministry for working neighborhood parents who need supervision and activities for their grade-school children during the summer months.
Rockford Area Habitat for Humanity: $750 for "Beverly Park Garage Sales”
This grant will support the fifth-annual, resident-led Beverly Park Neighborhood garage sales.
SecondFirst Church: $2,500 for "Serious Soup: A Soup Kitchen at SecondFirst Church”
Serious Soup is a weekly soup kitchen located at SecondFirst Church in the Coronado Haskell neighborhood. Serious Soup provides fresh, hot, and nutritious food and the opportunity for fellowship for all who attend.
West Gateway Coalition: $1,225 for "Picnic with the Police”
West Gateway Coalition will host a cookout picnic at Rockford Police District Station #1 in order to improve communication between law enforcement and residents.
Winnebago Community Historical Society: $1,350 for "Keeping Winnebago Beautiful”
WCHS improve existing and add new landscaping around the Town Hall building and adjacent lots to help improve curb appeal and encourage other businesses and organizations to enhance the aesthetics of the Village.
Winnebago County Housing Authority: $1,237.14 for "Beautifying Collier Gardens’ Walls”
Murals will be painted in each wing of the building and canvas pictures will be framed and hung in the front entrance. These enhancements will create a more inviting and warm environment for current and new residents.
About NW HomeStart: HomeStart envisions thriving neighborhoods where everyone has equal access to quality housing opportunities. Serving ten counties in Northern Illinois, HomeStart works in partnership with residents, local elected officials, and business leaders to strengthen communities within the Northern Illinois region. HomeStart is a HUD-approved housing counseling organization and chartered-member of NeighborWorks America, a nationwide network of nearly 245 trained and certified community development organizations at work in nearly 3,000 communities across America. Learn more about HomeStart at nwhomestart.org.
About the Community Foundation of Northern Illinois: The Community Foundation of Northern Illinois has been a regional leader in philanthropy since 1953. CFNIL serves as a catalyst for giving in order to attract, grow, and preserve an endowment for the needs of Northern Illinois. Since 1953, CFNIL has granted more than $80 million for charitable purposes.