Discovery Center Opens Career Exploration Kiosks
Earlier today, the Community Foundation of Northern Illinois was honored to present the Discovery Center Museum with a $33,734 grant to introduce more career-focused programming in the museum. The new programming includes two kiosks where kids can watch more than 70 videos of local professionals explain their job, with the goal of explaining the world of work to the museum’s visitors. One kiosk will be placed on each floor, along with posters that illustrate career pathways that can be found throughout the museum. The amazing folks at the Discovery Center filmed, edited, and designed the videos for the kiosks and the career posters.
You can learn more by watching this WTVO story about the new project.
If it has been a while since you’ve visited the Discovery Center, considering visiting between June 10 and September 3, 2017, when it will be hosting its Hello From Japan! exhibit.
(And make sure to check out all the career-related exhibits while you’re there.)