John T. Holmstrom Golf Memorial Golf Grant

John T. Holmstrom, Jr. Memorial Golf Grant

Supporting programs that develop character through the game of golf.

Open to 501c3 nonprofits in Boone, Ogle, Stephenson, and Winnebago Counties.

Grant Open Applications Open: March 03, 2025 Applications Close: April 07, 2025 Awards Announced: May 2025

Supporting Golf’s Fine Traditions

John T. Holmstrom Jr. died on July 20, 2010. He was born on December 19, 1920 in Rockford, Illinois. He attended Jackson and Lincoln Schools, and graduated in the last class of Central High School. He received his bachelor’s degree and law degree from the University of Illinois. He served as a captain in the U.S. Army Signal Corp in the Pacific Theater during World War II. John was a law partner at Holmstrom & Kennedy. He was a member of Second Congregational United Church of Christ.

He faithfully served his community by participating in numerous civic and political activities, including: Rockford Area Chamber of Commerce, United Way, SwedishAmerican Hospital, SwedishAmerican Medical Foundation, Community Hospital Council, P.A. Peterson Center for Health, the Rockford Pro-Am, and many more.

John was devoted to the growth and development of the Rockford Community Trust, now the Community Foundation of Northern Illinois. His service to this institution will always be remembered.

John was an avid golfer, winning five City Junior Championships, the State Amateur Championship, the Western Junior Championship, three Men’s City tournaments and serving as the captain of the University of Illinois golf team that won two Big Ten Championships in the 1940s. John was a member of the Rockford Golf Hall of Fame. His memory and spirit live on through his wife, children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, friends and colleagues.

Download the John T. Holmstrom, Jr. Memorial Golf Grant Guidelines

Download the John T. Holmstrom, Jr. Memorial Golf Grant Application

"It was a privilege to work closely with John Holmstrom, Jr. for I could always look to him for sound judgment, tactfully delivered.  In my mind, he was the epitome of a top business attorney and counselor, and a very competitive, yet fun golfer.”

Dick Leighton, Trustee Emeritus

Grants will be made to 501(c)(3) organizations such as First Tee, Rockford Park District, Boys and Girls Club, etc. Grants will be need based. Applications must include a description of the program’s purpose, location, target population, and substantiation of need. In addition, the application should outline how the project promotes character development through the game of golf.

The grant deadline is April 7, 2025. Application and all attachments must be received by the Community Foundation of Northern Illinois no later than 5:00 pm. Send applications to the Community Foundation of Northern Illinois, 946 N. Second Street, Rockford, IL 61107.

To apply for the John T. Holmstrom, Jr. Golf Fund, use this application and submit to the Community Foundation of Northern Illinois by 5 p.m. on April 7, 2025.

John T. Holmstrom, Jr. Application 

Use this budget template when applying for the John T. Holmstrom, Jr. Golf Fund

Budget Template for Holmstrom Golf

Questions? Issues with your application? Contact Lisa!

Lisa DeLang, Program and Administrative Associate, Headshot
Lisa DeLang
Program and Administrative Associate
Phone: 779-210-8210
Email: Lisa DeLang