Introducing the CFNIL Scholarship Class of 2019

Thanks to the generosity of local donors and the hard work of scholarship reviewers, the Community Foundation of Northern Illinois has recently finished its 2018 - 2019 scholarship season, making 154 awards worth $264,334 to local students.

Since 2000, CFNIL has awarded over $3,000,000 to local students pursuing post-secondary education.

View the full 2019 Scholarship Report.

**All information is current as of June 18, 2019. Data included in the Scholarship Report was obtained from applications submitted in the scholarship cycle ended February 1, 2019**


Here are just a few scenes from Scholarship Award Night 2019; view a full album of photos HERE!

On June 13, 2019, the Community Foundation of Northern Illinois (CFNIL) welcomed scholarship recipients and their families, scholarship donors, application reviewers, educators, and community members to celebrate the CFNIL Scholarship Class of 2019. 134 students from 27 high schools in northern Illinois were awarded 154 scholarships totaling over $260,000.

2019 Scholarship Recipients

Alpha Delta Kappa Xi Education Scholarship

Johanna Ehlbeck | Aquin Central Catholic High School | 2016
Rachel Krein | Boylan Central Catholic High School | 2017

Amanda Reed Memorial Scholarship

Jacqueline Isaacson | Homeschooled | 2019

Amber Huber Memorial Scholarship

Natalie Carlson | Byron High School | 2017
Jordyn Conard | Byron High School | 2018
Kellyn Euhus | Byron High School | 2016
Arynn Mathieu | Byron High School | 2019

Anna Schiller Scholarship

Natalie Johnson | Rockford Christian High School | 2019

Anthony and Charlotte Kinney Scholarship

Sydney DeWall | Pecatonica High School | 2015

Ashley E. Ketcher Memorial Scholarship

Daisy Soberanis | Auburn High School | 2019

Beta Gamma Recruitment Grant

Angelina Verlona | Guilford High School | 2019

Betty Harlan Memorial Art Scholarship

Carissa Stear | Boylan Central Catholic High School | 2019

Billy Smith Memorial Scholarship

Halee Bergstrom | Rockford East High School | 2019

Bonnie Sorenson Scudder Memorial Scholarship

Ruby Galarza | Harvard High School | 2019

Buster Lindsay Memorial Scholarship

Natalie Upchurch | Jefferson High School | 2019

Carolyn Wones Recruitment Grant

Donia Albisherawy | Rockford East High School | 2019

Charles Lee Anderson Memorial Scholarship

Megan Holmes | Streamwood High School | 1998

Community Foundation Scholarship

Angela Gavic | Auburn High School | 2018
Jeannel Mandujano | Auburn High School | 2017
Jazmin Martinez-Margarito | Pecatonica High School | 2017
Natalia Mihigo | Rockford East High School | 2019
Breon Newble | Guilford High School | 2018
Brad Parsons | Hononegah High School | 2016
Gillyanne Redisi | Hononegah High School | 2016
Montez Soliz | Jefferson High School | 2019

Deborah Jean Rydberg Memorial Scholarship

Milica Samoukovic | Guilford High School | 2019

Dorothy Cleland Memorial NSDAR Scholarship

Fati Mixha | Harlem High School | 2019
Emilie Weisser | Rockford East High School | 2019

Dr. Constance L. Goode Memorial Scholarship

Jernie Saunders | Guilford High School | 2019

Dr. Gussie M. Ware Memorial Scholarship

Kaiya Albert | Rockford East High School | 2019
Zakia Buchanan  | Harlem High School | 2019
Cameron Coates | Christian Life High School | 2019
Sawoodia Coffman | Christian Life High School | 2019
Alyssa Sowell | Christian Life High School | 2019
Nya Taylor | Auburn High School | 2019
Taja Watson | Auburn High School | 2019

Dr. Loomis/Rockton Lions Club Scholarship

Jessica Green | Hononegah High School | 2019

Early Childhood Educators Scholarship

Sara Brown | Harlem High School | 1981

Era L. and Frances L. Walker Scholarship

Mykal Brown | Auburn High School | 2019

Ernest and Charlene Stachowiak Memorial Scholarship

Zachary Connell | Hononegah High School | 2019

Gary S. Wilmer/RAMI Music Scholarship

Daisy Soberanis | Auburn High School | 2019

Gene Bradford Memorial Scholarship

Sarah Tucker | Byron High School | 2019

Geoffrey R. Laird Memorial Scholarship

William Kinczewski | Boylan Central Catholic High School | 2018
Tommy Le | Rockford East High School | 2019
Morad Suliman | Auburn High School | 2018

Harry H. and Floy B. Chapin Scholarship

Riley Martin | Pecatonica High School | 2019
Katie Nevdal | Durand High School | 2019
Celia Rothermel | Durand High School | 2019
Kirsten Van Zee | Durand High School | 2019

Hazel Mortimer Hyde Memorial Conservation NSDAR Scholarship

Ashley Govig | Auburn High School | 2019

Hegel Family Soccer Scholarship

Matthew Freedlund | Hononegah High School | 2019

Helen R. (Finley) Loescher & Stephen B. Loescher Scholarship

Elizabeth Hudak | Freeport High School | 2019

Howard & Eithal Curry Elementary Education Recruitment Grant

Donia Albisherawy | Rockford East High School | 2019
Carissa Stear | Boylan Central Catholic High School | 2019

Howard D. Colman Honorarium

Katherin LaMeyer | Pecatonica High School | 2018
Logan Power | Auburn High School | 2018
Josiah Rynne | Christian Life High School | 2018

Howard D. Colman Scholar

Matthew Danzl-Tauer | Belvidere High School | 2017
Dalton Morris | Rockford Christian High School | 2018
Payton Staman | Hononegah High School | 2016

Howard D. Colman Scholarship

Zachary Bennett | Rockford Christian High School | 2019
Adam Bohn | Hononegah High School | 2019
Alicia Repka | Hononegah High School | 2019
Luke Robert  | Stillman Valley High School | 2019

International Management Council Scholarship

Elisabeth Frost | Boylan Central Catholic High School | 2019

In Youth We Trust College Award

Alex Bauling | Boylan Central Catholic High School | 2019
Derya Bertram | Guilford High School | 2019
Adam Bohn | Hononegah High School | 2019
Joanna Drake | Jefferson High School | 2019
Peter LaMantia | Boylan Central Catholic High School | 2019

Janet L. Williams Mathematics Scholarship

Alicia Repka | Hononegah High School | 2019

John E. Lindley Memorial Swim Scholarship

Angelo Maier | Boylan Central Catholic High School | 2019

John Flynn Memorial Scholarship

Riley Martin | Pecatonica High School | 2019

Jouris Family Scholarship

Gretchen Murray | Boylan Central Catholic High School | 2017

Karen E. and Robert K. Harter Recruitment Grant

Sydnie Smith | Rockford Christian High School | 2014



Keith Maffioli Scholarship

Emilie Weisser | Rockford East High School | 2019

Kim & Ruth MacCloskey/RAMI Music Scholarship

Celia Rothermel | Durand High School | 2019

Kjellstrom Women’s Scholarship Initiative

Amy Reilly | Rockford East High School | 2003
Karina Valdez | Jefferson High School | 2009

Larry & Betty McGee Scholarship

Aganze Mihigo | Rockford East High School | 2017

League of Women Voters of Greater Rockford Scholarship

Fati Mixha | Harlem High School | 2019

Leonard D. Carmichael Community Service Scholarship

Joshua Bunger | Rochelle Township High School | 2017
Erin Esgar | Rochelle Township High School | 2015
James Hart | Rochelle Township High School | 2019
Megan Schramm | Rochelle Township High School | 2016
Anakin Weston | Rochelle Township High School | 2018

Leopold Education Project

Danielle Brosend | Winnebago High School | 2019

Lieutenant Kelli Ingardona Memorial Scholarship

Cal Granite | Rockford Christian High School | 2019

Margaret T. Craig Community Service Scholarship

Luke Aylward | Harlem High School | 2016
Chole Baxter | Hononegah High School | 2017
Lindy Dokken | Rockford Christian High School | 2016
Hannah Greenberg Boylan Central Catholic High School | 2018
Bailey Heckman | Eastland High School | 2016
Karina Roman | Guilford High School | 2015
Sydnie Smith | Rockford Christian High School | 2014

May-Cassioppi Scholarship

Treighton Hoang | Guilford High School | 2019

Mike Lindberg Memorial Scholarship

Natalie Tellez | North Boone High School | 2019

Nancy Kalchbrenner Scholarship

Heavenly Richardson | Jefferson High School | 2019

Nettie and Jesse Gorov Scholarship

Luke Aylward | Harlem High School | 2016
Chiza Mihigo | Rockford East High School | 2016
Karina Roman | Guilford High School | 2015
Carlos Romero | Guilford High School | 2018
Sydnie Smith | Rockford Christian High School | 2014

Northwest Community Center Scholarship

Jeannel Mandujano | Auburn High School | 2017

Northwestern Illinois Building Trades Blais Family Scholarship

Austin Strite | Oregon High School | 2019

Phyllis Howard Memorial Scholarship

Rachel Krein | Boylan Central Catholic High School | 2017

Pi Gamma Omega Scholarship

TeAisha Ford-Thomas | Jefferson High School | 2019
Amiyah Hudson | Jefferson High School | 2019
Jaelah Williams | Winnebago High School | 2019

Randall A. Blank Memorial Scholarship

Alaina Kline | Christian Life High School | 2018
Dominic Meyer | Rockford Christian High School | 2019

Richard Dopp Memorial Scholarship

Abigail Foes | Boylan Central Catholic High School | 2019

Richard L. Bernardi Memorial Scholarship

Patience Muhirwa | Rockford East High School | 2019

Rockford Area Habitat for Humanity College Scholarship

D’Juan Eskridge | Guilford High School | 2019
Jessica Mubirigi | Auburn High School | 2016
Montez Soliz | Jefferson High School | 2019
Tiltyla Stone | Jefferson High School | 1995

Rockford Products Corporation Foundation Scholarship

Tanner Grashorn | Rockford Lutheran High School | 2019
William Kinczewski | Boylan Central Catholic High School | 2018
Angelo Maier | Boylan Central Catholic High School | 2019
Taylor Swanson | Pecatonica High School | 2019
Emma Wallace | Belvidere High School | 2019
Isaac Wolf | Harlem High School | 2019
Girana Worathepnuthas | Guilford High School | 2019

Rockton Lions Club Scholarship

Zachary Connell | Hononegah High School | 2019

Senior Memorial Scholarship

Cesar De La Rosa Marquez | Jefferson High School | 2019
Steffane Ortega | Guilford High School | 2019

Sorensen Memorial Architecture Scholarship

Kevin Jenks | Belvidere High School | 2019

Sorensen Memorial Engineering Scholarship

Matthew Freedlund | Hononegah High School | 2019

Sorensen Memorial Music Scholarship

Gabriel Roethle | Auburn High School | 2019

Sorensen Memorial Theater Scholarship

Gabrielle Tifft | Belvidere North High School | 2019

Susan Kay Munson Gilmore Memorial Scholarship

Alex Barrera | Mendota Township High School | 2019
Brooke Lee | Mendota Township High School | 2019

Taus Community Endowment Scholarship

Sawoodia Coffman | Christian Life High School | 2019

Terrance Freeman Sr. Memorial Scholarship

Macy Joiner | Pecatonia High School | 2019

Tyler Kinison Memorial Scholarship

Nicholas Kowalski | Guilford High School | 2018

Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 984 Scholarship

Alexander Clayton | Hononegah High School | 2019
Alyssa Thompson | Winnebago High School | 2019

Walter K. Raczynski Family Scholarship

Melis Dik | Auburn High School | 2019

Wilbur & William Cummings Memorial Scholarship

Katya Garza | Belvidere High School | 2017
Jessica Jimenez | Belvidere High School | 2017
Nixie Lopez Leon | Belvidere North High School | 2019
Ronak Patel | Belvidere High School | 2012
MacKenzie Powers | Belvidere North High School | 2018
John Ryan | Belvidere High School | 2019
Courtney Williams | Belvidere High School | 2018

William J. Galaway Library and Information Science

Amanda Juhlin | Hononegah High School | 2017

William Pigott Memorial Scholarship

Rachel Gander | Harlem High School | 2019

William R. Durham Drama/Theater Scholarship

Garrett Bailey | Auburn High School | 2019

WoTM Scholarship

Zachary Bennett | Rockford Christian High School | 2019
Adam Bohn | Hononegah High School | 2019
Maxwell Fox | Harlem High School | 2019
Grace Mongan | Oregon High School | 2019

Zeta Chapter Memorial Award

Brianna Lake | Belvidere North High School | 2019
Abigail White | Belvidere High School | 2019